Comparison of the differential cross-sections for. pi. /sup -/p. -->. eta 'n and. pi. /sup -/p. -->. eta n at 8. 45 GeV/c

. eta 'n and. pi. /sup -/p. -->. eta n at 8. 45 GeV/c -->
Autoři: K.W. Edwards, D. Legacey, N. R. Stanton
Informace o vydavateli: Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 1979.
Rok vydání: 1979
Témata: Physics, Nuclear physics, Pion, Meson, Hadron, Pi, Elementary particle, Spin-flip, Spin-½, Boson
Popis: The ratio R of the differential cross sections for ..pi../sup -/p eta'n and ..pi../sup -/p eta n was measured with high statistics and small systematic errors at 8.45 GeV/c. R is generally interpreted as the relative content of nonstrange, ground-state quarks in eta' and eta. It is found that R decreases with increasing t; however, extrapolation to t = 0 gives R(0) = 0.672 +- 0.032 (statistical) +- 0.047 (systematic) for the dominant spin flip cross sections, and R(0) = 0.500 +- 0.085 +- 0.035 for the spin nonflip, in excellent agreement with results at higher energy.
DOI: 10.2172/5857052
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Přírůstkové číslo: edsair.doi...........ff59442484db1c6fcf9c14972e03bb05
Autor: K.W. Edwards, D. Legacey, N. R. Stanton
Rok vydání: 1979
DOI: 10.2172/5857052
Popis: The ratio R of the differential cross sections for ..pi../sup -/p eta'n and ..pi../sup -/p eta n was measured with high statistics and small systematic errors at 8.45 GeV/c. R is generally interpreted as the relative content of nonstrange, ground-state quarks in eta' and eta. It is found that R decreases with increasing t; however, extrapolation to t = 0 gives R(0) = 0.672 +- 0.032 (statistical) +- 0.047 (systematic) for the dominant spin flip cross sections, and R(0) = 0.500 +- 0.085 +- 0.035 for the spin nonflip, in excellent agreement with results at higher energy.
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