Clinical Reasoning and Sports Medicine-Application of Hypothetico- Deductive Model

Autor: Anup Kumar, Senthil P Kumar, Vaishali Sisodia
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies.
ISSN: 2161-0673
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.1000e128
Popis: Hypothetico-deductive model of clinical reasoning was proposed by Mark Jones and it involves the self-reflection and informed clinical decision making process of generating and testing hypotheses in association with the patient’s presenting symptoms and signs. Sports medicine is a dynamic field with an ever-changing wealth of evidence-based information from practice, education and research. The objective of this editorial is to illustrate the application of clinical reasoning in sports medicine explained via the hypothetico-deductive model for a 23-year old female basketball player who presents with unilateral ankle pain after a twisting injury while landing on the foot. The eight hypotheses categories of dysfunction, pathobiological mechanism, and source of symptoms, contributing factors, precautions, management, prognosis and mechanisms of pain were described to illustrate the case example with emphasis on hypotheses generation and testing as an ongoing process in reflective thinking and individualized decision making in sports medicine.
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