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Detonation of a nuclear device in a major metropolitan area constitutes the greatest vulnerability for health care facilities. Such a catastrophe would strain the capabilities and capacities of a health care system, and impair its ability to provide an acceptable standard of care. Accommodation for a large and sudden influx of victims constitutes a formidable challenge for health care facilities that are already operating at near-full capacity. Health care facilities must reestablish priorities concerning communication with the public, and must modify their role in delivering community services. The need for radiological surveys, decontamination of victims, and medical management of potentially contaminated patients adds to this adverse impact. Caregivers must understand basic guidelines for prevention of contamination of themselves and others. Mitigation of these events requires a successful integration of the health care system response with the overall community response, and with state, regional, and federal response efforts. Attention must be directed toward establishment of a command and control system, conduction of radiological, or nuclear compatible triage, management of radiation-associated injuries, and arrangement for appropriate follow-up of psychosocial issues. |