Fibroblasten-Interferon-Therapie (Hu IFN-?) bei Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen (NHL) mit niedrigem Malignit�tsgrad: Vorl�ufige Ergebnisse

Autor: H. Hutsteiner, Wolfgang Wilmanns, Gert Riethmüller, W. Siegert, I. Wüst, H. Theml, B. Emmerich, Dieter Huhn, Ulrich Fink, W. E. Berdel, Johann Rastetter
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Blut. 44:121-124
ISSN: 1432-0584
Popis: Preliminary results of a cooperative pilot study on the effect of fibroblast interferon in 10 patients with NHL of low-grade malignancy are presented. In eight patients lymphoma progression forced a discontinuation of therapy. At the end of interferon treatment one patient with CBCC showed a stable disease, one patient with CBCC a minor partial remission.
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