A Cytotaxonomic Study of Three Species of Gelasinospora

Autor: G. B. Wilson, Sung Huang Sun, Const. J. Alexopoulos
Rok vydání: 1954
Zdroj: CYTOLOGIA. 19:255-264
ISSN: 1348-7019
Popis: The cytology of the ascus in Gelasinzospora calospora, G. autosteara, and G. cerealis has been studied; haploid counts of 6, 6, and 7 chromosomes, respectively, have been made; the nucleolus of the first two species is often situated far away from the chromosome groupings whereas in the last species it is closely associated with the chromosomes; a rod-like structure resembling the centriole of Neurospora crassa as described by McClintock and by Singleton is present in all three species. On the basis of morphological characteristics, spore germination studies, ascus cytology, chromosome numbers, and behavior of nucleolus, G. autosteira is reduced to a variety of G. calospora.
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