Teeth Present, Teeth Missing and Probability: Usefulness in Comparative Identification

Autor: C. Georget, P. Fronty, M. Sapanet
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Acta Medicinæ Legalis Vol. XLIV 1994 ISBN: 9783540588474
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-79523-7_110
Popis: During a comparative identification, the forensic dental surgeon has to find the various similitudes between the ante and post-mortem elements on the one hand. One the other hand, he has to define the convincing value of each similitude. He must thus determine the degree of certainty according to which the examined skull does indeed belong to the missing individual. Only one characteristic feature is analysed in this article: the dental formula, that is to say the number and the layout of the missing teeth.
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