Մանկական աղքատության տխուր «դիմանկարը». շարունակական զրկանքնե՞ր, թե՞ երազանքի մանկության իրավունք/Ca Sad «Portrait» Of Child Poverty: Endless Deprivation or the Right to Dream Childhood?

Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: AMBERD BULLETIN. :86-94
ISSN: 2579-2989
Popis: Child poverty is an eternal problem, nowadays no country in the world can claim to have solved one of the most important, topical and painful problems: child poverty. It is an undeniable fact that the more painless childhood is, the more complete the environment in which the child is born and develops, the healthier, more educated and developed society the country has, which is the strongest guarantee of economic prosperity and national security. In the Republic of Armenia, the level of child poverty is quite high, and even approximate terms for its reduction are not outlined. In recent years, the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the latest Artsakh war have been added to the unfavorable socio-economic panorama of the Republic. According to the RA Statistical Committee, in 2020, every third child in our country was in poverty. The paper is devoted to the problem of child poverty, its causes, methods of measuring child poverty, measures taken to reduce child poverty in some foreign countries, and the analysis of the level of child poverty in Armenia
Databáze: OpenAIRE