Multiple swimming pool granulomas in an immunocompetent child

Autor: Marta García-Bustínduy, Antonio Martín-Herrera, A. Noda-Cabrera, R. Sánchez-González, M Sáez-Rodríguez, Marina Rodríguez-Martín
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. :275-277
ISSN: 1305-7693
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1556998
Popis: Myvobacterium marinum is an atypical Mycobacterium belonging to Runyon's classification group I. It is the most com- mon atypical mycobacterium to cause infection in humans. However, the infection appears to be rare in the pediatric population. Clinically, patients may present a single cutaneous lesion, such as an erythematous papule, nodule, plaque, sporotrichoid lesions or ulcers at the inoculation site. We present an unusual case of multiple "swimming pool granulomas" in an immunocompetent child who had a history of non-chloridrated water exposure. Our patient presented with lesions located in non-contiguous body sites, suggesting either systemic dissemination or multiple sites of inoculation as possible pathogenesis.
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