Organisation et filières gériatriques en réponse aux besoins des SAU

Autor: Jacques Boddaert, Marc Verny, Cécile Torres, Mélanie Langlois, Emmanuelle Magny
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Soins Gérontologie. 26:10-13
ISSN: 1268-6034
Popis: The emergency department remains the main method of admission for older people to hospital. The management of old elderly in these departments is a complex subject. It's particularities and the specificities of the evaluation of their health contribute to the difficulties of the care teams. For the elderly, a visit to the emergency room is a significant medical event in the care process that can have repercussions on their functional decline. The promotion of a geriatric culture in emergency departments is essential and can be done in different ways, but collaboration between emergency physicians and geriatricians remains essential for successful care adapted to the specific characteristics of elderly patients.
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