Protection scheme against out-of-step condition based on synchronized measurements

Autor: Galina Bochkarjova, Andrejs Svalovs, Antans Sauļus Sauhats, Dmitrijs Antonovs, Andrejs Utans
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: PSCC
DOI: 10.1109/pscc.2014.7038304
Popis: The necessity to design special methods and tools for prevention of asynchronous operation is caused by the presence of long transmission lines and structure of the transmission grid of Baltic States and Russia. The method for prevention and elimination of asynchronous operation by means of two automatic devices based on angle control between two simulated voltages is presented in this paper. For voltages simulation GPS and fiber optic communication channels are used. The main problems of devices realization, application and testing are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE