The value of endoscopic examination methods in infertile marriage

Autor: I. E. Korneeva
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 50:52-56
ISSN: 1683-9366
Popis: To optimize the management of infertile women the estimation of efficacy of endoscopic methods of treatment (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) in this category of patients was undertaken. With the method of retrospective analysis clinico- laboratory and endoscopic examination of2785 sterile pairs was carried out. The results of the study showed that endoscopic methods are not only the most important stage of diagnostics but also the first pathogenetically substantiated stage in treating female infertility. It became clear that half of the patients demonstrated from 2 till 5 factors in pathogenesis of reproductive function abnormalities that brings on the necessity of elaboratingthe algorithm of treatingparticular patients considering the disturbances revealed.So, to increase the effectiveness of treating the patients in question, distinct standards of medical care should be put into practice.
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