The Effect of Light Irradiation on Secondary Metabolite Production by Coffea arabica Cells

Autor: Shintaro Furusaki, Hiroyuki Kurata, Tsutomu Furuya, Minoru Seki
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Bioproducts and Bioprocesses 2 ISBN: 9783642493621
Popis: Plant cell cultures have been investigated for the production of valuable secondary metabolites such as pharmaceuticals, pigments and flavors. Since plant tissue cells are known to be capable of growing in vitro, the use of plant tissue cultures for production of useful bioproducts has become popular in bioengineering research. The use of plant tissue cultures has the following merits: (1) production is not affected by seasons and climate; (2) the area for plants to produce materials using cell culture is much smaller than that necessary for production in the field; (3) the duration of production is shorter in the case of the tissue culture production; (4) some cultured plant cells are able to accumulate the useful products in higher concentrations than intact-plant cells. Thus, plant cell cultures have apparently greater productivity than cultivation of whole plants for the production of biochemicals. However, only a few examples [1, 2] of the industrial application of plant cell cultures have been reported because of their high costs.
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