1. Hemodynanlic Aspect of Left Ventricular Failurei

Autor: Hideo Ueda, Atsuo Nakanishi
Rok vydání: 1966
Zdroj: Japanese Circulation Journal. 30:29-33
ISSN: 1347-4839
Popis: A total of 52 cases including 4 normal subject and 48 patients with various heart diseases with or without failure were studied in resting state and under the acute effects of drugs with right and trans-septal left heart catheterization, and radioisotope indicator-dilution method. In this study, special attention was directed to the analysis of myocardial mechanics regulating the left ventricular performance and the following conclusions were obtained : 1) Patients with moderate or severe failure showed a decrease in cardiac index, stroke index, left ventricular fraction ejected per beat, MCSR, MSER and an increase in EDV, where-as patients without failure or those with mild failure had normal or increased cardiac index and stroke volume. 2) Measurements of EDP and EDV in association with the calculation of CSR, T and F as shown in our study proved to be useful in the analysis of the effects of drugs on inotropism, chronotropism or afterload of the left ventricle.
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