Notes on the diet of the critically endangered orange–fronted parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi) on Maud Island

Autor: Dianne H. Brunton, Luis Ortiz–Catedral
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 36:385-388
ISSN: 1175-8821
DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2009.9651470
Popis: We conducted opportunistic observations on the diet of translocated orange-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus malherbi) on Maud Island to provide a first account of the diversity of food types ingested in the wild by this critically endangered species. Orange-fronted parakeets consumed fruits and leaves of 14 plant species as well as non–dietary items such as bark sticks and grit. Of dietary items, 96% were on plant species and 4% invertebrates. Of the plant species ingested 10% were non-natives. A major dietary component consisted of fruits and leaves of mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus). In contrast to the only other published account of the diet of orange-fronted parakeets, invertebrates constituted a minor part of identified ingested items. This may be related to the different composition of vegetation at the study sites, the low parakeet population density during the time of our study and methodological restrictions during our survey. Our observations on undocumented food items add information about...
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