High-efficiency multi-element superconducting single-photon detector

Autor: Yury Vakhtomin, Konstantin Smirnov, P. V. Morozov, A. Antipov, Maria Moshkova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Quantum Optics and Photon Counting 2021.
Popis: We present the result of the creation and investigation of the multi-element superconducting single photon detectors, which can recognize the number of photons (up to six) in a short pulse of the radiation at telecommunication wavelengths range. The best receivers coupled with single-mode fiber have the system quantum efficiency of ⁓85%. The receivers have a 100 ps time resolution and a few nanoseconds dead time that allows them to operate at megahertz counting rate. Implementation of the multi-element architecture for creation of the superconducting single photon detectors with increased sensitive area allows to create the high efficiency receivers coupled with multi-mode fibers and with preserving of the all advantages of superconducting photon counters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE