Engagement and Participation as a Part of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

Autor: Graham Morgan
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law. 2019:167
ISSN: 2056-3922
Popis: An account of the work of the engagement and participation officers with lived experience as users and carers in the MWC, showing: the history of user and carer involvement in the Commission, the reason for the employment of the present workers and the creation of the department of engagement and participation. Told from the perspective of lived experience of using services, describing the development of the roles to date, the activities carried out to date, especially those connected with mental health law, capacity, and the role of the NPM in safeguarding against cruel and degrading treatment and torture, some assessments of the impact of these activities and a presentation of the personal perspective of using lived experience as an integral part of a professional role.
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