Effects of replacing corn silage with alfalfa haylage in growing beef cattle diets on performance during the growing and finishing period

Autor: Federico Tarnonsky, Katherine Hochmuth, Alfredo DiCostanzo, Nicolas DiLorenzo
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Science. 101
ISSN: 1525-3163
Popis: Corn silage is the predominant mechanically harvested forage source for feedlot cattle production in the United States because of high yield. Alternatively, because of multiple cuttings per year and lower annual cost, the use of alfalfa or other forages, may increase opportunities for manure spreading, perennial soil cover, pollinator habitat, and greater carbon sequestration. The objective of this trial was to determine the feeding value of alfalfa haylage when replacing corn silage in growing cattle diets. One-hundred-sixty-five Angus crossbred steers [326 ± 51 kg of body weight (BW)] were blocked by initial BW and randomly assigned to one of 28 pens at the University of Minnesota feedlot. Pens were randomly assigned to dietary growing treatments. The control diet was comprised of (DM basis) 50% corn silage, 19.25% rolled corn grain, 19.25% high moisture corn, 7% dried distillers grains plus solubles, and 4.5% liquid supplement (corn silage control, CS Control). For alfalfa haylage (AH) diets, AH substituted corn silage at 33% (AH 33), 66% (AH 66), or 100% (AH 100). Growth performance measurements [dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and gain to feed (G:F) ratio] were assessed for 42 to 70 d depending on BW block. Afterwards, steers were fed a common finishing diet until harvested. There was a linear increase in DMI (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE