New Approach to Improving the Aircraft Structural Design Process

Autor: Valery A. Komarov, Terrence A. Weisshaar
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Aircraft. 39:227-233
ISSN: 1533-3868
DOI: 10.2514/2.2943
Popis: Reducing aircraft design cycle time while improving product quality requires improved information e ow, process optimization, and use of advanced computational methods, including optimization, at critical times during the design process. Computer technology allows the use of highly precise mathematical analysis at all stages of product design. However, mathematical analysis must create added value that exceeds its cost. Selected Russian structural design research references are reviewed to show how novel ideas to improve aircraft structural design have developed during the past four decades. It is also shown how special purpose structural e nite element models (FEM-1 and FEM-2 ), together with formal structural optimization during early design stages, improve integrated product team interaction,identify technicalproblems, and exploitbenee tsforconventionalaswell asradically new designs. This approach includes scientie c weight estimation of critical components. The result is increased quality and reduced development time. Three examples illustrate this improved approach: a mounting bracket design, a fuselage bulkhead connected to a vertical tail, and a wing box design.
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