Current state and prospects of cell engineering, additive manufacturing and tissue engineering in military medicine

Autor: O A Nagibovich, A B Krassii, A. S Golota
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 21:60-63
ISSN: 2687-1424
DOI: 10.17816/brmma20666
Popis: The article briefly describes the current state and prospects of cell engineering, additive manufacturing and tissue engineering in military medicine on the basis of analysis of domestic (РИНЦ) and foreign (Medline) scientific medical publications 2017-2018 . It has been found 14 relevant publications on the topic in Medline. Their analysis revealed the following. The researches abroad give much attention to the topic. Although despite the multibillion investments the results in the field are more than modest due to significant scientific and technical difficulties encountered by researchers and developers in this direction. That is why the current trend in employment of cell engineering, additive manufacturing and tissue engineering in military medicine is concentration of material and financial resources on applied research for medical provision at a theater of operation.
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