REST HF-9 test case: Large-Eddy Simulation of DLRs BKD configuration

Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.13009/eucass2022-4573
Popis: This work was realized in the framework of the REST (Rocket Engine Stability Initiative) working group on combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines. The results from the large-eddy simulations of BKD bench from DLR (Groening et al., 2016) using the AVBP solver from Cerfacs and IFPEN are shown in this contribution. The numerical approach relies on real-gas thermodynamics based on the SRK equation of state and equilibrium chemistry (Schmitt, 2020). The reference test case consists of 42 coaxial injectors and correspond to a small-scale rocket engine. Since this experiment can highlight both stable and unstable operating conditions (Groening et al., 2016), it provides an unique opportunity to assess the ability of the simulation to predict and discriminate between these two situations. An unstable case is simulated in this study. The solver properly retrieve the dominant mode (1T mode) that is observed experimentally. This mode is strongly coupled with the oxygen injection pipe. The grid resolution is found to have a major impact on the prediction of the dominant mode. While average profiles are weakly impacted by a coarsening of the mesh, the final prediction of the mode growth and its limit cycle can be completely modified.
Databáze: OpenAIRE