Autor: V. N. Skvortsov, A. S. Gorbaneva, V. Yu. Oskolskaya, A. R. Kravtsova
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1682-5616
Popis: Until 1891 the entire territory of the Ostrogozhsk County was covered by a single veterinary district. Based on the Zemstvo Assembly Resolution, starting from that year the county was divided into two veterinary districts – Rossoshansk and Ostrogozhsk. The Rossoshansk district included 15 volosts (small rural districts): Lizinovsk, Olkhovatsk, Rossoshansk, Rovensk, Aidarsk, Podgorensk, Belogorsk, Shaposhnikovsk, Evstratovsk, Vsesvyatsk, Maryevsk, Karayashnikovsk, Semeysk, Novo- and Staro-Kalitvyansk. The Ostrogozhsk district included the town and 12 volosts: Goncharovsk, DalnePolubyansk, Evdakovsk, Karpenkovsk, Kolybelsk, Lisyansk, Lushnikovsk, Markovsk, Novo-Sotensk, Ribensdorfsk, Sagunovsk and Trostyansk. The third Rovensk veterinary district was opened in 1897 to include seven volosts: Aidarsk, Lizinovsk, Rovensk, Shaposhnikovsk, Vsesvyatsk, Maryevsk and Olkhovatsk. In December 1897 the Olkhovatsk veterinary paramedical station was eliminated due to the paramedic's resignation. In February 1901, a veterinary outpatient clinic was opened in the town of Ostrogozhsk. From March 10, 1903, the veterinary staff of the first district increased by one paramedic, who was appointed by the Province Zemstvo to an independent station in the Marky village. The fourth Sagunovsk veterinary district was opened in 1906 to include six volosts: Sagunovsk, Markovsk, Belogorsk, Karayashnikovsk, Goncharovsk and Kolybelsk. In October 1907, the Olkhovatsk volost, which was recorded as part of the Rovensk district was assigned to the Rossoshansk. On August 1, 1909, the fifth Podgorensk district was opened in the county. There were two inpatient clinics in the county – in Saguny and Rovenky. In November 1910 the sixth district was opened in Staraya Kalitva village. In 1913 the seventh Olkhovatsk veterinary district was opened and new distribution of volosts and villages took place within the county territory. As of the beginning of 1914 seven veterinary physicians and twelve paramedics worked in the county. The First World War which began in July 1914, stopped the progressive evolution of zemstvo system veterinary medicine in the county as most of the physicians and paramedics were mobilised into the army.
Databáze: OpenAIRE