The Effect of Light, Temperature, pH and Species on Stability of Anthocyanin Pigments in Four Berberis Species

Autor: S. Zare ., R. Jameei ., G.H. Laleh ., R. Heidary ., H. Frydoonfar .
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 5:90-92
ISSN: 1680-5194
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2006.90.92
Popis: The anthocyanin pigment was extracted from the four different Berberis plant (B. khorasanica, B. integerrima, B. orthobotrys, and B. vulgaris) using the soaking and wetting in Ethanol (1% acidified). The extracted anthocyanin pigments then were exposed to number of environmental conditions, which could destabilize the anthocyanin molecules. These environmental conditions were included three different pHs (0, 1.5 and 3), various temperatures (5oC, 15oC, 25oC and 35oC) and presence or absence of light. The results of the study showed that increasing in pH, temperature or exposure to light is able to spoil the anthocyanin molecule. Another factor affecting the tolerance of anthocyanin towards the environmental condition is the role of different species. Among the various Berberis species anthocyanin pigment in B. khorasanica, showed the greatest resistance to destruction by environmental conditions followed by B. vulgaris, B. orthobotrys, and B. integerrima.
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