Overview of the Change in NO2 Assessment Maps During the Last 15 Years in Flanders: Problems Encountered and Solutions

Autor: Stijn Van Looy, Jean Vankerkom, Bart Degraeuwe, Guy Driesen, Nele Smeets, Wim Peelaerts, Hans Hooyberghs, Felix Deutsch, Bino Maiheu, Karen Van de Vel, Wouter Lefebvre, Stijn Vranckx, Guido Cosemans, Clemens Mensink, Filip Lefebre, Peter Viaene, Marlies Vanhulsel, Stijn Janssen
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Springer Proceedings in Complexity ISBN: 9783030220549
Popis: During the last 15 years, the official assessment maps in Flanders have improved from a map consisting of only measured data points to a high resolution assessment which covers the complete area and takes into account several types of sources and street canyons. In order to improve this level of detail, multiple steps were taken. First of all, a land use regression model was introduced at an hourly scale at 4 × 4 km2 resolution. Secondly, a Gaussian model was added for both point and line sources, correcting for emission double counting. Finally, a street canyon model was added to the chain, leading to improved resolution in these street canyons. In this work, we will discuss the problems encountered in these years such as how to account for double counting of emissions, how to correct the locations of the simplified road network and how to determine when street canyon calculations must be performed and how we solved them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE