Ontogenetic structure and vitality of the cenopopulations of Oxytropis sulphurea (Fisch. ex DC.) Ledeb. in different ecocenotic conditions of Rudny Altai and the Saur Ridge

Autor: I. Yu. Selyutina, Evgeny G. Zibzeev
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 9:355-365
ISSN: 1995-4263
Popis: This article presents the results of an analysis of ontogenetic and vitality structure of seven cenopopulations of Oxytropis sulphurea (Fisch. ex DC.) Ledeb. in the high-altitude conditions of Rydny Altai (Ivanovsky and Prohodnoi ridges) and the Saur Ridge. In the study of the demographic structure it has been determined that most populations from undisturbed habitats are characterized by left-side spectrums with maximums on juvenile or immature individuals. The changes in the structure of the studied ontogenetic spectrums of this species depend largely on the presence of anthropogenic influence. Grazing pressure has led to the formation of spectrums with a maximum on g3 plants. The vitality type of the O. sulphurea populations varies from exuberant to depressed; the depressed and balanced types of vitality prevailed. Intensive seed propagation provides a stable existence of O. sulphurea in the high-mountain alpine zone. The results of our study show that O. sulphurea is an alpine-meadow species which has strict ecological and cenotic propensity for alpine meadows with the prevalence of Festuca kryloviana, Anthoxanthum alpinum, and Schulzia crinite and shrub tundras with Dryas oxyodonta.
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