Inukshuk Landed Robotic Canadian Mission to Mars using a Miniature Sample Analysis Lab for Planetary Mineralogy and Microbiology

Autor: Nadeem Ghafoor, Brian J. F. Wong, Emile Haddad, Wes Jamroz, Roman V. Kruzelecky, Sean Jessen, Edward A. Cloutis
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: SAE Technical Paper Series.
ISSN: 0148-7191
Popis: This paper discusses the Inukshuk landed rover mission to Mars that is currently undergoing the Phase 0 mission study for the Canadian Space Agency. The Inukshuk landed rover mission addresses key science themes for planetary exploration; focusing on the search for hydrated mineralogy and subsurface water sites that can provide evidence of past or present life. New exploration and science will be accomplished using an innovative tethered combination of a small rover and a self-elevating sky-cam aerostat. The elevating visible (VIS) imager, at about 10 m altitude, will provide an informative high-resolution 2-D view of the rover below and surrounding terrain to greatly assist the semi-autonomous navigation of the rover around obstacles and selection of sites for detailed subsurface exploration. The solar-powered rover will employ MDA expertise in robotics and drilling with MPB’s expertise in miniature infrared (IR) spectrometers and fiber-optic sensors to provide subsurface analysis of mineralogy and temperature distributions at depths to about 1 m. Mission cost effectiveness is achieved through a synergistic instrument suite based on advanced but mature miniaturization technologies that enable high IR spectral measurement performance with minimal mass and power. Insitu systematic sample analysis at depths to about 1 m will be performed using a monolithic fiberoptic coupled probe integrated directly with the tethered mole driller.
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