Lithium-ion Cell and Battery Safety

Autor: Malgorzata K. Gulbinska, Seth Cohen, Frank Puglia
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Lithium-ion Battery Materials and Engineering ISBN: 9781447165477
Popis: Lithium-ion cell and battery safety has recently emerged as a major topic of research and development work. This chapter will focus on identifying the leading safety hazards in a lithium-ion cell and battery, defining the currently taken pathways to address these hazards and highlighting the possible future safety solutions. Statistically, lithium-ion cells and batteries are very reliable. They are present in nearly all cell phones and portable electronic devices today. Yet, as more energy is being packed into these small spaces, it has become imperative for engineers to address safety at all levels of design from the choice of active materials to full system topography.
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