The Effect of Plate Curvature on the Influence of Macroscale Geometric Voids in Controlling Stress Wave Propagation

Autor: C. S. Florio
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Volume 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids.
Popis: Much work has been done to create and understand means to control the propagation of acoustic and light waves through materials and structures. The ability to perform similar studies on the control of stress waves has implications not only for the development of capabilities to disrupt stress waves in order to limit their damage, but also to direct stress waves in order to tailor the behavior of a structure for a specific functional goal. Recent studies have demonstrated the use of voids and inclusions of varying size, geometry, arrangement, and composition in structures to attenuate impact forces or cloak stress waves in thin, flat, plane stress plates. However, many structures that may benefit from these wave modification methods are comprised of cylindrical shells. It is not currently known how well the techniques to control wave propagation and trends identified in plane stress plates can be applied to structures with cylindrical shells. Therefore, this study develops and uses computational modeling methods to examine the modification and control of stress waves induced by an axial impact load in metal plates of varying curvature through the inclusion of macroscale voids. Methods are developed and used in this work to study the response of metal plates of varying curvature with and without voids of different shapes and arrangement to axial impact loads. The response is quantified through the magnitude of the fixed end reaction force and through normal oscillations of discrete points along the length of the plate. Fast Fourier transformation and wavelet coherence techniques are used to understand both the time-averaged and time-dependent oscillation behavior. Correlations are drawn between plate curvature and void design on the control of the propagation of stress waves. The knowledge gained can help guide the understanding design of these stress wave modification features.
Databáze: OpenAIRE