Implementation Of The Direct Learning Model (Direct Instruction) To Improve Skills Art Of Music In SBDP Lessons For Class V Students UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islamic District Bontoharu District Of Selayar Islands

Autor: Hikmawati Usman
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal of Elementary School Teacher. 2:9
ISSN: 2776-6233
Popis: The problem in this study is the low results of musical arts skills in SBdP subjects for class V UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to apply the direct learning model (Direct Instruction) to improve music art skills in SBdP subjects for class V UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency? This study aims to determine the application of the direct learning model (Direct Instruction) in improving music art skills in SBdP subjects for class V UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency. The approach used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The focus of this research is the application of direct instruction and music skills. The setting of this research is UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency, for the 2020/2021 academic year. The research subjects were teachers and students of class V UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency, with a total of 21 students. Data collection techniques used are observation, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a quantitative and qualitative approach. The results showed that there was an increase in the activities of teachers and students as well as the results of students' musical arts skills in SBdP subjects. As for the achievements in the first cycle, the activities of teachers and students are in the sufficient category (C), while in the achievement of the second cycle, the activities of teachers and students are in the good category (B). The results of students' musical arts skills in the first cycle were in the sufficient category (C) while in the second cycle they were in the good category (B). From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that through the application of the direct learning model (Direct Instruction) it can improve music art skills in SBdP subjects for class V UPT SDN 3 Selayar Islands, Bontoharu District, Selayar Islands Regency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE