Comparative study of collagen and elastin content of abdominal wall fascia in inguinal hernia and non-hernia patients in an African population

Autor: A C Etonyeaku, Collins Chijioke Adumah, Olalekan Olasehinde, A O Mosanya, O O Odujoko, E A Agbakwuru
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Hernia. 24:1337-1344
ISSN: 1248-9204
Popis: Altered composition of collagen and elastin in abdominal fascia has been linked with the pathogenesis of hernias. This has not been studied amongst Africans who have hernia presentations which vary significantly from Caucasian cohorts. The aim of this study was to determine, and compare, the collagen and elastin contents of the transversalis fascia and rectus sheath of inguinal hernia patients with non-hernia controls. Twenty-five patients with solitary, primary, uncomplicated inguinal hernia and twenty-five non-hernia controls were evaluated. Biopsies of the transversalis fascia and anterior rectus sheath were stained with Masson Trichrome and Verhoeff van-Gieson to isolate collagen and elastin respectively, which were quantified using the ImageJ/Fiji® image analysis software. Inguinal hernia patients were aged 19–85 years with a mean age of 45.2 years, mean body mass index (BMI) of 23.3 kg/m2 and mean duration of hernia of 42.5 months. Lateral hernias with no hernia defect or posterior wall defect [PL0] were the predominant clinical type. There were significantly lower collagen and higher elastin content in the transversalis fascia and rectus sheath of inguinal hernia patients [P
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