Autonomous Inverted Helicopter Flight via Reinforcement Learning

Autor: Andrew Y. Ng, Eric Berger, Eric Liang, Mark Diel, Varun Ganapathi, Adam Coates, Jamie Schulte, Ben Tse
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics ISBN: 9783540288169
Popis: Helicopters have highly stochastic, nonlinear, dynamics, and autonomous helicopter flight is widely regarded to be a challenging control problem. As helicopters are highly unstable at low speeds, it is particularly difficult to design controllers for low speed aerobatic maneuvers. In this paper, we describe a successful application of reinforcement learning to designing a controller for sustained inverted flight on an autonomous helicopter. Using data collected from the helicopter in flight, we began by learning a stochastic, nonlinear model of the helicopter’s dynamics. Then, a reinforcement learning algorithm was applied to automatically learn a controller for autonomous inverted hovering. Finally, the resulting controller was successfully tested on our autonomous helicopter platform.
Databáze: OpenAIRE