Composition en polyphénols totaux et en tanins des feuilles de neuf variétés de Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. au cours du premier cycle de croissance et en fonction du mode d’exploitation

Autor: Faustin Parfait Koutouan, Nguessan Clément Bodji, Kessé Phillipe N'da, Yapo Magloire Yapi, Eboua N. Wandan
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 13:882
ISSN: 1997-342X
Popis: Le pois d’angole est une legumineuse fourragere et vivriere dotee de proprietes anthelminthiques dues a ses metabolites secondaires. En vue de caracteriser les teneurs en composes polyphenoliques de neuf varietes au cours des stades vegetatifs, une etude a ete menee. Les varietes ont ete semees a raison de huit lignes par variete. Quatre lignes ont ete fauchees trois mois apres semis et quatre autres sont restees en l’etat. Les polyphenols totaux (PT), les tanins totaux (TT) et les tanins condenses (TC) ont ete determines dans les feuilles des plants fauches et des plants non fauches au cours du cycle vegetatif. Les PT et les TT ont ete determines par la methode de Folin Ciocalteu et les TC, par la methode HCl-butanol. Les teneurs en PT, TT et TCs, tout stade confondu ont varie, pour les plants non fauches, respectivement de 3,00±0,11 a 24,73±0,08 g-eqAT/kg MS, 0,12±0,08 a 11,42± 0,24 g-eqAT/kg MS et 0,01± 0,00 a 1,61± 0,06 g-eqL/kg MS. Ces teneurs etaient respectivement de 5,72±0,24 a 38,12±0,90 g-eqAT/kg MS, 0,66±0,14 a 25,57±0,16 g-eqAT/kg MS et 0,04±0,00 a 1,80±0,08 g-eqL/kg MS pour les plants fauches. La teneur en ces composes evolue au cours du cycle et est influencee par la fauche. © 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved Mots cles: Pois d’Angole, metabolites secondaires, teneur, cycle vegetatif English Title: Concentration of polyphenols and tannins in the leaves of nine varieties of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. during the growth cycle and according to the mode of exploitation English Abstract Pigeon pea is a shrub fodder legume with anthelmintic properties coming from its secondary metabolites content. This study aimed at characterizing the levels of polyphenols and tannins in nine varieties of Cajanus cajan during their cycle of development. The varieties of Cajanus cajan were sown in eight rows per variety. Four lines were mowed at 3 months of age at the height of 100 cm from the ground. Folin Ciocalteu method was used to measure Total polyphenols (TPs), and total tannins (TT) in the leaves of mowed and unmown plants during their development stages. Total condensed tannins (TCs) were also measured by the HCl-butanol method. Levels of PTs found in unmown plants ranged from 3.00±0.11 to 24.73±0.08 eq-gTA/kg DM while the levels in mown plants ranged from 5.72±0.24 to 38.12±0.90 eq-gTA/kg DM. The concentration of TTs ranged from 0.12± 0.08 to 11.42± 0.24 eq-gTA/kg DM in unmown plants, and from 0.66±0.14 eq-gTA/kg DM to 25.57±0.16 eq-gTA/kg DM in mown ones. The levels of CTs in unmown plants ranged from 0.01± 0.00 to 1.61± 0.06 eq-gL/kg DM while they were found to ranges from 0.04±0.00 eq-gL/kg to 1.80±0.08 eq-gL/kg in mown plants. In general, the levels of polyphenols and tannins in C. cajan increased during the growing cycle, and were influenced by both variety and exploitation mode. © 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved Keywords: Pigeon pea, secondary compounds, levels, vegetative cycle
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