Primary health care and national household random sampling surveys: contributions from Brazil

Autor: Carlos André Aita Schmitz, Natan Katz, Michelle Roxo Gonçalves, Rudi Roman, Cynthia Goulart Molina-Bastos, M M C Oliveira, Otávio Pereira D'Avila, Rodolfo Souza da Silva, Luiz Felipe Pinto, Ana Célia da Silva Siqueira
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: European Journal of Public Health. 30
ISSN: 1464-360X
Popis: Primary health care has been considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the most efficient way of organizing health systems in order to achieve universal health coverage, preserving its attributes and focusing on people. Several countries in the world have developed instruments to measure access, use of services and lifestyles of their populations. In Europe, European Union members have validated the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS / Eurostat), which is in its third wave of application. Brazil, for over 20 years, has developed, through the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) - the Brazilian Federal Statistics Bureau - in partnership with the Ministry of Health, a national household health survey throughout its territory, the so-called National Health Survey (PNS). PNS-2019 questionnaire innovated by including a module of questions that allows assessing the scores of the attributes proposed by Shi and Starfield in the 2000s. The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) was included in its brazilian statistically validated version for adult users and applied in more than 100,000 households in all five regions and 27 states in Brazil. Over a six-month period, a sample of approximately 10,000 adults was registered, according to the inclusion criteria of the PCAT considered (being 18 years old or older, having had more than one medical appointment in the last six months, having performed this appointment in a public primary health care facility). We consider it essential to use statistically validated instruments that allow cross-country comparisons and we encourage Governments all over the world to follow Brazilian example in incorporating in their national health surveys a module containing the validated version of the PCAT. This instrument has already been validated and used in the evaluation of primary care in regions of all five continents of the world, demonstrating, therefore, its capacity for cultural adaptation to each reality. Key messages PCAT's set of instruments remains current for the evaluation of primary health care services from the users' perspective nationwide. The importance of using National Health Surveys in each country, with random household sampling to assess health systems and conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE