Flight Investigation of Various Longitudinal Short-Term Dynamics for STOL Landing Approach Using the X-22A Variable Stability Aircraft

Autor: J. V. Lebacqz, R. E. Smith, J. M. Schuler
Rok vydání: 1973
Popis: The first in-flight flying qualities experiment using the variable stability X-22A aircraft investigated longitudinal flying qualities requirements for STOL aircraft in terminal area operations. Emphasis was placed on defining minimum requirements for the short-term response in VFR and IFR landing approaches at representative steep STOL approach conditions of 65 and 80 knots. Evaluation flights were conducted in negligible and moderate turbulence for a wide range of short-term frequencies and dampings. Identification of the dynamics of the evaluation configurations was performed, to a large extent, by a new, advanced digital identification technique developed for the X-22A aircraft.
Databáze: OpenAIRE