Las categorías sexo y género ante la paridad constitucional. Respuesta a Micaela AlterioThe categories sex and gender before electoral parity. A reply to Micaela Alterio

Autor: María Concepción Torres Díaz
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Constitutional Law. 19:1450-1453
ISSN: 1474-2659
Popis: The article reflects on the concept of gender parity from a critical perspective, taking as reference the normative and conceptual differences of the sex and gender categories as analytical legal categories. It advocates the reinforcement of sex as a central constitutional category for the equality of women and men, and as a democratic requirement that implies the recognition of human mixedness and the socio / sexual subordination of women. It advocates breaking with the corporeal and socio-sexual abstraction of the normative model of the human in order to ensure that sex is not legally irrelevant and argues for the requirement of constitutional parity without further qualifications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE