Single-shot photon and electric field diagnostics using the linear array detector KALYPSO with MHz-range readout

Autor: Erik Bründermann, Michele Caselle, Meghana Patil, Michael J. Nasse, Anke-Susanne Müller, Marc Weber, Marcel Schuh, Benjamin Kehrer, Lorenzo Rota, Gudrun Niehues, Edmund Blomley, Stefan Funkner
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications IV.
Popis: A bottleneck for the investigation of electron beam dynamics in ring accelerators is a fast detection scheme coping with their high repetition rates in the MHz range. For example, at KARA (KArlsruhe Research Accelerator), the electron storage ring at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany, we showed that electro-optical methods enable single-shot detection of longitudinal electron bunch profiles by imprinting them onto chirped laser pulses. However, commercial cameras required to detect the spectra are typically limited to hundreds of kHz in readout speed. To tackle these challenges, we developed KALYPSO (KArlsruhe Linear array detector for MHz-rePetition rate SpectrOscopy), a linear detector array with a data acquisition system (DAQ) allowing high data-rates over long time scales. Due to a modular approach, various sensors (InGaAs and Si) can be used, so that KALYPSO can be adapted to different experiments with spectral regimes ranging from near-ultraviolet (NUV) to near-infrared (NIR). In this talk, we present recent results on studies of longitudinal and horizontal bunch profiles using KALYPSO. As an outlook, we give another example for MHz-range readout using KALYPSO, namely horizontal bunch profile diagnostics measuring the radiation emitted from a dispersive section in a storage ring. At the KARA visible light diagnostics (VLD) port the emitted radiation above 400 nm was previously recorded with a fast-gated camera. Here, limitations are the repetition rate in combination with the huge number of cycles during continuous measurements. To overcome these limitations, KALYPSO can repleace the fast-gated camera. Furthermore, due to the easy implementation of KALYPSO, we envision numerous applications for table-top experiments as well as for large-scale facilies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE