Korelasi Kebiasaan Membaca dengan Membaca Pemahaman

Autor: Ineng Naini, Olin Nita
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran (KIBASP). 5:83-94
ISSN: 2597-5218
DOI: 10.31539/kibasp.v5i1.2963
Popis: This study aims to determine the relationship between reading habits and students' reading comprehension. The method used is quantitative research through a correlation approach. Sampling was carried out using the theory of Non-Probability Sampling with the Sampling technique. The research instrument used questionnaires and multiple-type objective tests. The study results show that the students' reading habits are categorized as special, with an average score of 80, at the mastery level of 76-85%. Students' reading comprehension results are classified as good, with an average count of 73, which is on a scale of 66-75%. The tcount obtained is 2.36 and ttable 2.056. In conclusion, there is a relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension of students of the Indonesian Language Education study program who take the Reading Skills course at Bung Hatta University. Keywords: Reading Habit, Reading Comprehension
Databáze: OpenAIRE