Radiological survey of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Ray Point, Texas

Autor: D.J. Christian, E.T. Loy, B.S. Ellis, D. Lorenzo, F.F. Haywood
Rok vydání: 1980
Popis: The mill site and tailings pile near Ray Point, Texas, cover an area of approximately 140 hectares located 1.6 km west of Ray Point. The dry portion of the tailings pile is stabilized, and the whole pile is surrounded by a dike. It contains approximately 445,000 metric tons of material with an estimated average /sup 226/Ra concentration of 518 pCi/g. The average gamma-ray exposure rate 1 m above the pile is 300 while the corresponding average for the mill site, including the former ore storage area, is 87 Soil and sediment sample analyses, as well as gamma-ray exposure rate measurements, show some spread of contamination off the site; however, it appears that control measures at this site have been effective in limiting the spread of tailings. Access to the area is limited by chain-link and barbed-wire fences, and continued surveillance of the area is maintained. The mill buildings have been maintained for possible future use.
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