Personality, Sex, and Work Values

Autor: Timothy P. Hartman, Loyde W. Hales
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: The Journal of Experimental Education. 47:16-21
ISSN: 1940-0683
DOI: 10.1080/00220973.1978.11011649
Popis: The relationship between work values and personality type was investigated using protocols from 115 undergraduate university students. A two-factor MANOVA was performed, with personality types (VPI) and sex as independent variables and work values (OWVI) as dependent variables. The F-ratios for main effects were significant. Sex differences were found on Altruism, Control, Self-Realization, Money, Task Satisfaction, Solitude, and Prestige. In the pair-wise comparisons of personality types, the following pairs differed in work values: Artistic-Conventional, Enterprising-Artistic, Conventional-Social, Artistic-Realistic, and Social-Realistic. Also, an orthogonal factor analysis, with varimax rotation, was performed on the VPI and OWVI variables. Six factors were found, with variables loading on the factors in an intrepretative manner.
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