Grain quality indices in common wheat lines with introgressions of chromosome 1U from Aegilops biuncialis Vis

Autor: O. I. Sozinova, N. A. Kozub, L. A. Yanse, H. Ya. Bidnyk, N. O. Demianova, Ya. B. Blume, A. V. Karelov, I. O. Sozinov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv. 29:87-91
ISSN: 2415-3826
DOI: 10.7124/feeo.v29.1412
Popis: Aim. The aim of this study was to analyze grain quality indices in winter common wheat lines with introgressions of chromosome 1U from Aegilops biuncialis Vis. marked by storage protein loci. Methods. Acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and SDS-electrophoresis of storage proteins were performed to identify introgressions. Grain quality indices (SDS sedimentation volume and grain protein content) were analyzed in lines with introgressed chromosome 1U or its arm 1UL, as well as in the cultivars Panna and Bezostaya 1. Results. SDS-sedimentation volume in the cultivars and lines depended on year’s conditions. The studying of the lines during two years has demonstrated that the presence of the allele at the high molecular weight glutenin subunit locus Glu-U1 from Ae. biuncialis was associated with a high volume of SDS-sedimentation SDS30 (higher than that in the cultivar Bezostaya 1). The introgressive lines show high grain protein content. Conclusions. The effect of the allele at the high molecular weight glutenin subunit locus Glu-U1 from Ae. biuncialis on SDS-sedimentation value is similar to that of the high-quality allele Glu-B1al. The lines with the introgressed allele at Glu-U1 from Ae. biuncialis are valuable initial material for breeding for quality.Keywords: Triticum aestivum, Aegilops biuncialis, high molecular weight glutenin subunits, SDS-sedimentation, protein content.
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