Effects of Psychoactive Chemicals on Commercial Driver Health and Performance: Stimulants, Hypnotics, Nutritional, and Other Supplements

Autor: Racquel Pickett, Howard M Leaman, Daniel C Murray, Gerald P Krueger, Gene Bergoffen
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Effects of Psychoactive Chemicals on Commercial Driver Health and Performance: Stimulants, Hypnotics, Nutritional, and Other Supplements
DOI: 10.17226/14534
Popis: This synthesis study identifies available information and research gaps relating to the use of chemical substances by commercial drivers and is intended to provide up-to-date information to inform decision makers about the near-, mid-, and long-range planning needs for research and educational outreach programs. Its aim is to assist the commercial transportation safety community and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in addressing issues involving the proliferation and availability of psychoactive chemical substances. Objectives included the provision of a narrative technical review of the scientific and analytical literature, summarizing what is documented about the effects of psychoactive chemicals on equipment operator performance; an extensive bibliographic reference listing of published literature on these topics; and two convenience surveys, offering information about gaps in knowledge and lessons learned. Appendixes present a description of the evidence available about the strength of a variety of chemical substances of which drivers appear to partake, as well as another supplemental bibliographic reading list of secondary source documents. Results from the literature review and the two convenience surveys of small numbers of Commercial Driver Medical Examiners and of commercial vehicle stakeholders point to the need for development and provision of more detailed user-friendly information about the numerous chemicals, drugs, supplements, popular energy enhancement products, and other chemical substances that might impact commercial drivers' performance and health. Numerous areas where additional commercial motor vehicle safety issue studies may be called for are also identified in this report.
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