The effect of a parabolic potential on the properties of a strongly coupled polaron in an asymmetric Gaussian quantum well

Autor: Yan-Bo Geng, Jing-Lin Xiao, Zhao-Hua Ding
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean Physical Society.
ISSN: 1976-8524
Popis: In this work, the effect of parabolic potential on the properties of strongly coupled polaron in an asymmetric Gaussian quantum well (QW) has been studied. Relations of the frequency vibration and the strongly coupled polaron’s ground-state energy in an asymmetric Gaussian QW for RbCl crystals at different confinement strengths along the x and the y directions, the asymmetric Gaussian QW barrier heights, and the Gaussian confinement potential widths and temperatures have been studied using the Lee–Low–Pines unitary transformation and the linear combination operator methods. Calculations show that the absolute value of ground-state energy increased with increasing confinement strengths along the x and the y directions and asymmetric Gaussian QW barrier height, and derease with increeasing Gaussian confinement potential width, and temperature. In addition, vibrational frequency was found to decrease with increasing Gaussian confinement potential width and to increase with increasing confinement strengths along the x and the y directions, asymmetric Gaussian QW barrier height, and temperature. The five parameters involved in this paper are important physical quantities for studying the properties of Gaussian QWs, and have important physical significance for the study of nanomaterials.
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