Measuring electric fields with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles for neutron electric dipole moment experiments

Autor: Sarvagya Sharma, Douglas H Beck, Chris Hovde, Fahad Alghannam
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XI.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2300032
Popis: Precise measurements of the dipole moment of the neutron test the standard model of particle physics. Typical experiments detect the evolution of neutrons in magnetic and electric fields. Achieving high sensitivity requires stable and homogeneous fields. We are investigating nitrogen-vacancy diamonds for sensing electric fields. As a first step we have measured electric fields by optically-detected magnetic resonance. Near avoided crossings a first-order Stark effect is observed. Line positions can be measured to about 5 kHz, allowing electric fields to be measured to about 2 kV/cm. Extending the technique to use electromagnetically-induced transparency will allow for an all-optical probe, but may introduce issues of systematic errors in the electric field measurement.
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