A Multi-Alert Patient Health Monitoring using Zigbee

Autor: Charu Rana, Malika Malika
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: International Journal of Computer Applications. 83:18-21
ISSN: 0975-8887
DOI: 10.5120/14669-2934
Popis: sensor network is a growing field showing tremendous applications in the areas of medical assistance in hospitals. According to the Medical Statistics, everyday many patients' lives are affected due to negligence in the part of providing immediate care to the patients. Sometimes it is difficult for the staff in the hospitals to race against the time to reach the patient. Solution to this is a need of system that can measure patient health constantly. The main goal of this paper is to alert the staff in the hospitals in case of emergency. This system is designed using sensors and wireless technology with the help of Microcontroller. Sensors will continuously monitor the vital signs until an abnormal condition is detected. After detecting the abnormal condition, alert system comes into action which acts as a multi-alert system.
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