The Declaration of Sentiments: The Theological Testament of Arminius

Autor: A. Skevington Wood
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Evangelical Quarterly: An International Review of Bible and Theology. 65:111-130
ISSN: 2772-5472
DOI: 10.1163/27725472-06502002
Popis: The essence of Arminius’s teaching is contained in his last apologia, The Declaration of Sentiments. The circumstances leading up to its presentation are outlined before the contents are closely examined. A lengthy introduction is followed by nine major sections covering aspects of Christian doctrine under discussion in seventeenth-century Holland and elsewhere. Since it was the principal item under review at the time in the Reformed Church, much of the Declaration is taken up with the matter of predestination and the lapsarian controversy concerning the relationship between election/reprobation and the fall of man. As the issues raised are the subject of continuing debate, an account of how Arminius himself expressed his convictions may serve the interests of clarification.
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