Protopolybia chartergoides Dos Santos Junior & Silveira & Carpenter 2020, stat. rev

Autor: Dos Santos Junior, José N. A., Silveira, Orlando T., Carpenter, James M.
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4537582
Popis: Protopolybia chartergoides (Gribodo) stat. rev. (Figs. 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 33, 34, 35, 38) Nectarina chartergoides Gribodo, 1891: 253. Holotype: ♀, French Guiana, Cayenne (MCSN), examined. Nectarina chartergoides Dalla Torre 1904: 86; Ducke 1905 a: 11; 1905b: 663; Van der Vecht & Carpenter 1990: 49; Santos- Junior et al. 2015: 154. Charterginus cinctellus Fox, 1898: 460. Holotype: ♀, Brasil, Chapada (CM, Pittsburgh), examined. Charterginus cinctellus Dalla Torre 1904: 85; Von Ihering 1904: 117, 234; Van der Vecht & Carpenter 1990: 49; Santos-Junior et al. 2015: 154. Chartergus cinctellus Ducke 1904: 325, 329, 337; Cameron 1907: 181; Carpenter & Van der Vecht 1991: 222. Chartergus chartergoides Ducke 1904: 325. Pseudochartergus chartergoides Ducke 1910: 466; Bequaert 1938: 104; Jeanne 1970: 56, 59, 60; Overal 1978: 11; Carpenter & Wenzel 1990: 178, 181–183; Wenzel 1991: 498, 515. Pseudochartergus chartergoides var. cinctellus Bequaert 1938: 104; 1944: 264; Pseudochartergus chartergoides var. boshelli Bequaert, 1938: 104. Holotype: ♀, Colombia: Meta (MCZ, Cambridge), identi- fied from the original description. Pseudochartergus chartergoides chartergoides morph cinctellus Richards 1978: 155, 156; Almeida & Castro 1991: 47. Protopolybia chartergoides chartergoides Araújo 1960: 252; Sarmiento 1994: 359. Pseudochartergus chartergoides chartergoides morph chartergoides Richards 1978: 154, 156. Protopolybia chartergoides Carpenter & Van der Vecht 1991: 222; Santos-Junior et al. 2015: 153, 154, 167, 174, 176, 182; Morato et al. 2008: 794; Silveira & Santos-Junior 2011: 482, 483, 485, 487, 489, 500; Borges et al. 2017: 9. Diagnosis. Length of fore wing 6.08 mm; ventral region of gena with width ¼ smaller than its width at the midpoint; pronotal carina laterally angular, projected shoulders, indicated by yellow marks; fovea preceded by a short and low prominence (Fig. 1); pronotal fovea distinct, wide and deep; mesoscutum with conspicuous bristles; metanotum short, metanotal process with apex rounded (Fig. 2); scrobal groove obsolete; propodeal valves distinctly wide posteriorly (Fig. 38). Color black, with few yellow marks. Ventral process of the aedeagus narrow and laterally projected. Apex rounded in dorsal view (Fig. 13). Redescription. FEMALE. Length of fore wing 6.08 mm; clypeus wide, approximately as long as wide (HClp=0.85; MxWClp=0.97;TeW=0.80; MiWClp = 0.90 mm), ventral margin narrowly subtruncated; tentorial pit closer to antennal socket than to eye margin; interantennal area relatively wide, approximately 2 × diameter of antennal socket; mandibles relatively short, with length 0.65 × times distance between eyes at vertex; occipital carina distinct, extending for approximately three fourths of height of gena, fading very close to insertion of mandible; humerus angularly projecting, carina weakly lamellate, less extending downwards at side; prominence in front of the pronotal fovea poorly developed, low, relatively distant from the pronotal carina (Fig. 1); pronotal fovea distinct, wide and deep; length of mesoscutum 0.90 × its width; scrobal groove obsolete; metanotum triangular, short, length of median axis 0.46 × width of central disk, metanotal process short, with apex rounded (Fig. 2); propodeum with wide and shallow cavity; propodeal valves distinctly wide posteriorly (Fig. 38); T1 sessile, distinctly wider than long, approximately as wide as T2 (Fig. 33 and 34). Frons, mesoscutum, scutellum, metanotum, propodeum and ventral region of mesopleuron with sparse micropunctation and deeper and stronger mesopunctation; T2–T5 with distinct punctures; clypeus with short golden bristles, except on ventral margin, which has elongated bristles; eyes with short and sparse bristles; body covered by short bristles, mesoscutum with conspicuous bristles. Black, with few yellow spots; scape and pedicel brown ventrally, black dorsally; antennomeres black; mandibles black, clypeus almost entirely, inner orbit with band which extends to the vertex; outer orbit with band which extends to the occiput; front and vertex with two small marks, a narrow mark on pronotal carina, mesoscutum usually with two stripes, tegulae partially, meso and metapleuron without marks, scutellum and metanotum partially, propodeum black, T1–T5 with a yellow distal band. Legs black; hyaline wings, venation brown. MALE. Length of fore wing 5.66 mm; eyes wide, strongly produced inwards; clypeus narrow, longer than wide, with gold and long bristles, ventral margin subtruncated; tentorial pit approximately equidistant to eye margin and to the antennal socket; gena narrow; color like female. Genitalia. Parameres without elongate bristles; basal and apical angle of paramere widened (Fig. 11); digitus narrow with apical margin approximately rounded, moderately covered by long bristles; basal process acuminate (Fig. 14); cuspis covered by long bristles; ventral process of aedeagus narrow and laterally projecting (Fig. 12), strongly sclerotized and weakly serrated; preapical region of aedeagus not angular in lateral view (Fig. 12); apex rounded in dorsal view (Fig. 13). Material examined. BELIZE: Toledo, 1♀, 25m, Punta Gorda, Salamanca, 28.viii.–4.ix.1978 (P.S. Broomfield) (BMNH); BOLIVIA: 2♀, Yungas de La Paz, 16.vii.1944 (MZUSP), Beni, 4♀, Romansos, 1km, N. Junction Rio Itenes & Rio Paragua, 30.vii.1964 (Bouseman, J. R. & Lussenhop, L.) (MPEG), 1♀, Rurenabaque, 270m, 21.iv.1979 (M. Cooper) (BMNH), Cochabamba, 1♀, Villa Turnari, c. 450m, (M. Cooper) (BMNH); BRAZIL: Acre, 1♀, Rio Branco, 25.x–8.xi.1991 (F. Ramos, A. Henriques, I. Gorayeb, N. Bittencourt), Amazonas, 1♀, Manaus, 11.iii.1976 (Ilio); 1♀, Teffé, 06.ix.1904 (Ducke), 21♀, Mamirauá, Varzea, (I.S. Gorayeb & O. T. Silveira), 2♀, Manaus, Est. do Tarumã, v.1968 (A.F. Neto & E. V. Silva), 15♀, BR 174, km 46 est., 25.v.1978 (A.Y. Harada) (MPEG), Amapá, 1♀, Macapá, 20.v.1900 (Ducke) (MPEG); Pará, 1♀, Bujaru, 15.xii.1978 (R. B. Neto) (BMNH), 1♀, 15.i.1978 (P. Waldir) (BMNH), 1♀, Belém, Utinga, 06.xii.1978, W. França (BMNH), 1♀, Faz. Velha, 07.xii.1978, W. França (BMNH); Maranhão, 2♀, Igarapé Gurupi, Uma aldeia Araçu, 50km E. de Canindé, v.1963 (Malkin) (MZUSP); 1♀, São Luiz, (Ducke) (MPEG), Mato Grosso, 1♀, 29.iii.1968 (OW Richards) (BMNH), 1♀, Utiariti, Rio Papagaio, x.1966 (Lenko & Pereira); 4♀, Barra dos Bugres, R. E. Serra das Araras, 22.i.1986 (M. Zanuto) (MPEG), 1♀, Rio Sasare, 4.x.1984 (J. Elias), 2♀ (E. Binda) (INPA), Roraima, 1♀, Ilha de Maraca, Rio Uraricoera, 02–13.v.1987, Arm. Shannon (J.A. Rafael) (INPA), Pará, 2♀, Tucuruí, Faz. Senador, 01.xii.2001, Malaise (J.A. Rafael & J. Vidal) (INPA); 1♀, Ananindeua, i.1963 (Machado & Pereira) (MZUSP); Belém, 67♀, 20.iv.1968 (O.W. Richards) (BMNH); ECUADOR: 1♀, Tungurahua, Yanayacu 300m, 29–30.viii.1977 (L.E. Pena); COLOMBIA: A. Magdalena, 1♀, Sierra Nevada de S. Marta, Rio Dom Diego, 22-24.xii.1976 (M. Cooper), 1♀, Ca- queta, Florencia, 10.i.1979 (M. Cooper) (BMNH); 1♀, Amazonas, Letícia, 4°12’S 69°56’W, 14.iv.1997 (Carpenter & Davidson) (MZUSP); Buenaventura, 3♀, 22.ii.1935 (Schwarz, H.F.), Amazonas, 1♀, Leticia, 4°12`S 69°56`W, 110m, 14.iv.1997 (Carpenter & Davidson) (AMNH), Meta, 12♀, Rio Guaryuriba, a tributary of Rio Meta, xii.1946 (Richter, L & Donor, F.J.) (AMNH), Putumayo, 2♀, Puerto Leguizamo, 180m, 29/x/1971 (M. Cooper), 10♀, Puerto Assis, 350m, 23.iii.1972, Cali, 1♀, Buenaventura Road, near Rio Dagua Bridge, 50m. 3.x.1971, 1♀, Magdalena, N. Sierra Nevada de S. Marta, Rio Buritaca, 100m, 14.ii.1974 (M. Cooper) (BMNH); GUYANA: Bartica, 1♀, Kartabo, 30.v.1924 (AMNH), 5♀, Mazaruni, (Clearing.), 18.vii.1937 (W. Richards) (BMNH); PERU: Cuzco, 1♀, Atalaya, Rio Tambo, 31.iii.1954 (J.M. Schunke) (BMNH), 3♀, Maracapatá (MZUSP); Loreto, 8♀, 40km NE Iqui- tos, 31.xii.1990 (Carpenter & Wenzel), 1♀, Pucallpa, Lake Yarina Cocha, 180m, 26–27.viii.1971 (C.& M. Vardy) (BMNH), 2♀, 80km NE Iquitos, 28.xii.1990, 7♀, Galicia, 05°25`S 73°51`W, 18.iii.1999 (Carpenter & Davidson), Huanuco, 3♀, 2♂, Tingo Maria, 670m (Weyrauch). Distribution. * Belize; Bolivia; Brazil: Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Pará; Colombia: Putumayo, Valle; Ecuador: Manabi, Napo, * Tungurahua; Guyana; French Guiana; Peru: Cuzco, Loreto; Suriname. Remarks. Richards (1978) treated P. boshelli as a subspecies of P. chartergoides but mentioned (p. 157) overlapping variation. From examination of specimens of the BMNH collection, it was observed that P. boshelli is only a variant of P. chartergoides. Thus, we consider them here as synonyms, P. chartergoides boshelli = P. chartergoides.
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