A Study to Compare the Length of Hamstring Muscle between Children and Adults

Autor: Apexa Rathwa, Namrata Prajapati, Lata Parmar
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal. 10:55
ISSN: 0973-5674
Popis: Muscular flexibility is an important aspect of normal human function. The term flexibility and muscle length are often synonymously used when referring to the ability of any muscle to be lengthened up to the end range. The purpose of the present cross-sectional descriptive study was to compare the Hamstring muscle length between children and adults in various age groups and gender, measured by three clinical tests i.e., straight leg raise test, popliteal angle, and Active knee extension test. Total 180 subjects participated in the study with 77 males and 103 females. All participants were equally distributed in to one of the six age groups formed with interval of 05 years. The data was analysed using Microsoft excel methods. All three tests i.e., passive straight leg raise test, popliteal angle, and Active knee extension test (right and left) for both genders were not statistically significant indicating that length of hamstring muscle was not different between both genders. First two tests between age groups (11–40 years) were not statistically significant except last was statistically significant (p 0.011and p 0.052 respectively) different between age groups.
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