Behavioural Advertising in Building Clients’ Loyalty

Autor: Jelena Stanković, Bojana Čavić
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2014.
Popis: The development of information and communication technologies enabled involvement of internet based services in conducting communication activities. Mass communication has proved to be less effective because its inability to reach all targeted clients. Behavioral advertising is a personalized approach focused on targeting selected categories of individual clients. Organizations use a variety of tools to collect personal information about their clients’ browsing activities. In that manner, organizations create customized advertising messages which help them build clients’ satisfaction and loyalty as key components for their market success. The goal of this paper is to present possibilities for deployment of behavioral advertising in promotion of university education, based on good practices in different industries. Online personal communication conducted on four target segments, behavioral advertising techniques applied on different age groups of young people, using knowledge and data collected, and introducing new media in lecturing and learning, will be the key factors for creating behavioral maps of university prospects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE