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The irrigation site located at the University of Arizona Maricopa Agricultural Center was designed to support controlled irrigation through the use of evenly spaced drip tubing under a heavy black plastic tarp. Soil solution samplers (lysimeters) are placed at specific locations to collect water from 1.5 meters, 3.0 meters and 10 meters from the soil surface. Suction provided by a vacuum pump was applied to the lysimeters for three hours prior to collection. After this time, the soil solution, if any was collected and placed into 20 ml HDPE scintillation vials and stored at -15 C for later analysis. These samples were analyzed for pH with a Ross Sure Flow Combination Electrode. Electrical conductivity for each sample was measured with the use of an Accumet Conductivity Cell. Both electrodes were connected to an Accumet Model 50 pH/ion/conductivity meter. High Performance Liquid Chromatography was employed in an attempt to determine the amount of Biosurfactant present in each sample. Our HPLC equipment includes a 5mm x 15mm CIS chromatography column, Waters 2487 detector, 510 pump, and WISP 710 Auto Injector. Millennium software was used to integrate data from these analyses. |