Preweaning Performance of Beefmaster- and Brahman-Sired Calves from Angus and Brahman Cows on Three Forage Systems

Autor: M.A. Brown, W.G. Jackson, J R Miesner, J. Hales, A. Cole, A.H. Brown
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: The Professional Animal Scientist. 13:90-94
ISSN: 1080-7446
Popis: Three years of data from 42 purebred Angus (AA) and 50 Brahman (BB) cows bred to purebred Beefmaster (BM) and purebred Brahman (BB) bulls were used to evaluate both breed of sire effects and different forage systems. Cows and calves were managed on one of three forage systems: endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+E+), common bermudagrass and endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+CB), and common bermudagrass and endophyte-free tall fescue (E−CB). Data from 215 calves born and 197 calves weaned were used in this study. The calves were weighed and tagged at birth and were not creep-fed. They were weaned at an average of 195 d of age and their weights and hip heights were taken. There was little evidence of sire breed, forage effects, or interactions of the two on the birthweight of calves from the BM or BB sires, which averaged 39 and 37 kg, respectively. The calves from the AA cows were 7.7 kg heavier at birth than those from the BB cows (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE