Topobathymetric Elevation Model Development using a New Methodology: Coastal National Elevation Database

Autor: John C. Brock, Dean B. Gesch, Jeffrey J. Danielson, John A. Barras, Cindy A. Thatcher, Dean J. Tyler, Sandra K. Poppenga, Gayla A. Evans
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Coastal Research. 76:75-89
ISSN: 1551-5036
Popis: Danielson, J.J.; Poppenga, S.K.; Brock, J.C.; Evans, G.A.; Tyler, D.J.; Gesch, D.B.; Thatcher, C.A., and Barras, J.A., 2016. Topobathymetric elevation model development using a new methodology: Coastal National Elevation Database. In: Brock, J.C.; Gesch, D.B.; Parrish, C.E.; Rogers, J.N., and Wright, C.W. (eds.), Advances in Topobathymetric Mapping, Models, and Applications. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 76, pp. 75–89. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. During the coming decades, coastlines will respond to widely predicted sea-level rise, storm surge, and coastal inundation flooding from disastrous events. Because physical processes in coastal environments are controlled by the geomorphology of over-the-land topography and underwater bathymetry, many applications of geospatial data in coastal environments require detailed knowledge of the near-shore topography and bathymetry. In this paper, an updated methodology used by the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal National Elevatio...
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